Sunday, October 18, 2009


There is no cost to oneself to extend it
There is only an enrichment of ones' soul
A growing of ones' heart
A gift given to others freely
Without an agenda nor boasting
The reward kindness brings by its' very nature
Is the lightness reflected in the eyes of those who receive it
The twinkling of hope knowing that people do care
It changes everything for them and the world
Grand scale is not the only means to affect change
But each individual act of kindness also does



Thursday, October 15, 2009


Elvis and Bob Dylan wrote and sang about it. Rossa Parks walked and sat at the front of the bus because of it. Protests are based on it. And government accountability require it. Why have we, the people lost our power, or have we? Perhaps we have given it away with our complacency or lack of involvement? Or perhaps our tragically busy lives lead us to beleive we cannot change the situation, so doing nothing becomes acceptable.....With the spotlight shining on the scandelous stealing by government representatives..this is the greatest oppurtunity in a long time for a shift to occur and bring back some power to the people. Just exposing the fraudulent practices of our various provincial agencies is a renewed hope for re-allocating funds to where they are most critically needed and divert the attention to the most pressing issues! Canadians are really good at joining forces to raise money for treatment and research and of course a cure? of the most threatening diseases to man. They are champions on the world front in the missions field;doing everything from building orphanges,schools,housing , clothing, building water wells, giving small loans($50)to women who build businesses and send their daughters to university, feeding the hungry, providing medicine and healthcare, getting sponsorship of the children and of course the desperately needed 'Crisis Feeding'! All of this an oppurtunity for mankind to show MAN, the Spirit of GOD inside all his creations! It is time for Canadians to take this same righteouse passion we have for helping others and use that knowledge to help ourselves a little, with the ultimate goal of being secure so we can continue the humanitarian work God has called us to do! Write to your councillors, mayors, MP's, Premieres, and to Prime Minister Harper himself, demanding that the taxes paid by the citizens, out of their hard earned incomes, must be appropriated properly and for what was agreed. As well as the issues that are vital to us and our families need to see a huge increase in goverment funding/spending. That we want our taxes to pay for aid in the multitude of global natural disasters and not for nannies, vacations and name a few... TAKING OUR POWER BACK FROM THE GOVERNMENT, WHO IS SUPPOSED TO BE REPRESENTING US AND IMPLENTING THE LAWS WHICH BENEFIT US, SO WE MAY PROSPER AS A UNIFIED SOCIETY, IS WHEN WE WILL BEGIN TO SEE THE END OF GOVERNMENT CORRUPTION AND THE FULFILLMENT OF ITS' CITIZENS WISHES; WHICH EVERY ELECTED REPRESENTATIVE TOOK A VOW TO MAKE HAPPEN, IT IS THE VERY REASON WHY EVERY CITIZEN VOTED FOR THEIR CANDIDATE...TO WITNESS THE ACTUALIZATION OF THEIR WISHES, AS PROMISED DURING THE ELECTORAL PROCESS.....DOESN'T IT DISTURB YOU WHEN THE PERSON YOU HELPED GET THE POWER AND POSITION, DOESN'T KEEP THEIR PROMISE...THE PROBLEM WITH TOO MANY POLITICIANS?

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

NOW SEEMS TO ME THAT THIS IS A PICTURE MISSING FROM MANY OF OUR LIVES! THERE IS NO DOWN TIME ANYMORE/it is a 24/7 society more than people would like to beleive. For the 24/7 does not just go on in the Corporate and Business world but extends into our households, our 24/7 for fabulous food, laundry in an hour, rooms cleaned while you're out....our homes have essentially had to turn into hotels to accomodate to our UBER FAST,OVER SCHEDULED, Tragically Busy Lives.

I think of all the people I know, including myself and discover that we all have the same dilemma. The Will is there but the hours, simply are not. That many of us are often setting ourselves up for dissappoinment when we cannot accomplish all the goals we set out to do for that day. Then we experience guilt at our failure and ultimately feel as if we are letting down those we love! The working mom who couldn't say no to the extra work that needed to go home with her, for fear of loosing her job. Yet knowing that she had promised her youngest daughter to take her to the movies. The working father completely devoted to his family, who has 2 jobs, never gets to see his wife and children and still can't get all the bills paid. The stay home mom whose job is trully round the clock and don't forget the little mice who go and undo the moms work, while she's not looking....only so that she has, the equivalent of writing the same report over and over again. The complexities of todays society has taken away our time to which ever manner we do that...but as a society we are not following good's almost as if taking time off has become criminal;instead of there being co-operative efforts between the employer and the employees for the betterment of our relationships:personal, work or societal. True there are corporations and companies which have recognized the necessity of keeping ones employees content and that the fair treatment of them is directly linked to productivity and profit. They implent daycare programmes, have gyms installed, yoga classes, even oxygen tanks. They have also implemented nutritional programmes and changed the menus in existing cafeterias. These are the same companies which work out scheduling in order to accomodate to the various needs of their employees and they are to be commended. However the majority of Canadians do not have job security anymore and so it is easy for employers to demand from them, most of all demand their time, time which would be reserved to spend with the people you most desire, doing the things you most wish, thus bringing you much joy and that translating into a more productive member of society. Doesn't it disturb you how people have to work so much harder (taking the increase of living into account) for so much less. How spending time with your children, going out with an old friend and catching up over coffee, a romantic picnic lunch on the beach with your partner, or just some down time to do whatever your hearts desire...even be the part of life that really counts and is important for the emotional well-being of society! I challenge you all to re-arrange your schedules which will certainly require taking some things out that you may feel will not be possible. Trust me, anything is impossible when you are committed to making the change. Instead, choose that time for what is most precious to you and I guarantee you'll be walking into the office/or wherever your emplyment is, refreshed and an example of happiness because when these doors close and your job is done for the have made time for later to fill yourself up with the love that surrounds you. It's a win-win situation! For you will be walking into your home with that same attitude and will feel grateful for the treasures the souls that share your life with, are! Moral of this story is that you can work like a horse and miss countless of irretreivable hours spent with those you love most, doing what you love most to can never get those hours back..TIME WAITS FOR NO ONE!...OR...SECOND OPTION:BALANCE!...RUN OUT AND CAPTURE IT, PUT THE BALANCE BACK INTO YOUR LIVES...NO MATTER HOW DIRE THE SITUATION, CHANGING YOUR LIFESTYLES TO BRING HAPPINESS TO YOUR LIVES WILL BE WELL WORTH IT...THERE ARE SO MANY CREATIVE AND UNCONVENTIONAL WAYS TO DO THAT...THOSE THAT LOVE YOU MOST WILL THANK YOU FOR IT AND WELL YOU'LL FINALLY BE ABLE TO GIVE YOURSELF THAT 'LONG TIME COMING' PAT ON THE BACK...FOR A JOB WELL DONE!

GODS SPEED, angeloflight

Doesn't it DisurbYou?

Wednesday October 14, 2009

These are two of my greatest reasons to be grateful everyday! The reasons that keep me going even when the osteo arthritis(along with many other painfuland chronic illnesses) is trying to take me out. Many people have it so wrong about our precious children.....and sadly in this culture, so much exists to tear them away from the family that truly loves them and turn them into unrecognizable people, who only have damaging themselves and inflicting(all be it at times unintentional)pain and suffering upon those who love them most! This is said to be a normal part of teenagehood:the rebellion. I had disagreed with that statement in the past and believed if you teach your children the multitude of skills required to succeed in this world;how to nourish their bodies, to have an active lifestyle, the significance of your spiritual soul(the greatest treasure) and the outright lying of well as the vital buiding of your childs' esteem and compassion! That doesn't mean no criticism but constructive crticism, that will help them to change and better themselves. I choose to proceed each of these little tutorials with acknowledging their attributes and then paying attention to the behaviour that needs changing. This way they are more readily accepting to change once they already feel good about themselves;it gives them the confidence needed to do so. However lately I've had a very traumatic experience regarding my eldest teenage daughter....I learned the hard way that you can do all the right things and still the outside influence has her claws into your child...until she does not even look or speak like herself! Through this, yet another humbling experience I recognized that because of other circumstances beyond my control, there was absolutely nothing I could have done to stop the chain of events that would unrattle. So I did the one thing I know how to do really well, especially when there are few answers...I talked to God...didn't have to plead my case, for I know he knows the details better than I! No, I did something I never thought I could do but certainly understand other mothers who have had to do the same......I have 3 other incredible children that were dramatically affected and they deserve better! And with that resolve I had to give my precious daughter(who in my eyes was deeply loved and greatly repected by her mother)to God, while I continue to pursue different avenues of help for her-for us.........I've learned that my story is quite common, some say even reaching epedemic if you have an estrangement from your own precious child and you are convicted of outside force involvement....please do not give up and keep your daily focus on the unique and gifted other children left around you who require not only your attention(devotion)but encouragement that the rough seas will too the best parent you can be, bringing joy and laughter and a sense of a loving God, whom they can trust and depend on at all times, especially the difficult ones.....and that child, that teenager you don't recognize anymore.....well just keep praying...a special bond like that can never be broken...and no matter what they experience, how marvelous or horrendous....know that the light of God still shines in them, even with the enemy trying to push it out....and God always leads the lost....he uses their skills and talents and his unconditional love and mercy, his lead them back home......Doesn't it disturb you how a child so full of promise can throw their whole future away based upon the idelogy of 'Social-Pop' culture?....Remember the Miracle of Reconcilliation is a favourite of Gods.

Hang tight to all you who are still waiting for the return of a child....and to you others, hang tight onto your children, spend more time with them..listen to them develop in every area of their lives and for Gods sake DO NOT LEAVE THEM TO THEIR OWN DEVICES or worse yet the influence of peers, pornography and the psychologically damaging them as if they were children but treat them with the respect and desire for their input, as if they were adults.......Never forget the POWER of MIRACLES...just look at the news lately and discover that the testimonies of Miracles are being attributed to what would have been disasterous and tragic outcomes......With Love and Respect


Sunday, October 11, 2009

As I was saying...doesn't it disturb you how many hands are truly in our pockets? It's a wonder there's any room in there to keep spare change...and it's an even greater wonder if there is any change to spare! Now you can add cable and satellite companies to the growing list of government or corporate entities that are taking us to the cleaners! Imagine the local broadcasters(who in my humble opinion do an exceptional job, citing out CTV(esp. both news casts) as the best in their field; not charging the cable and satellite companies a cent to broadcast their programmes. However our cable bills have gone up 4x the amount of inflation in that time! The audacity of the cable companies trying to pass that cost on to us, instead of rightfully paying the broadcasters in order to keep their quality programming on the air. It's incredible how at a time when people have to pull their children out of universities, are foreclosing on their homes, have no family income, for both parents lost their jobs! No more soccer games, tennis tournaments, nor ballet, hip-hop or tap, and well let's just say that vacations are luxuries of the past! For others worse yet, there is no food to put on the tables, in the lunches, no morning breakfeast to trigger their childrens metabolism nor feed their brains with the necessary nutrients to optimize learning. But the RECORD BREAKING PROFIT cable companies want you to pay more on your bill so that they can keep rolling in the green they so seriously worship and keep paying nothing for the services our broadcasters have rendered free to them! DOESN'T IT DISTURB YOU? Well there is something you CAN do, link on to this address for more info.

Remember This




I'd like to take this time to wish you and all your families a blessed Thanksgiving and not to forget that the despite the many hardships,sorrow and trauma that LIFE challenges us constantly with, we all have something(someone) to be grateful for- if you are having a hard time feeling grateful when everything is wrong, even disastorous, find that which brings the LOVE AND GRATITUDE out of you and focus only on those matters/PEOPLE and before you know it, you will begin to NOTICE MORE THINGS YOU ARE TRULLY GRATEFUL FOR, perhaps even a few you never noticed your very old neighbour across the street, riddled with osteoporosis and in obvious pain, taking her daily walk, which no matter what the weather, she is out there and she is grateful!

With Respect and God Bless,

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Doesn't It Disturb You

It seems to me that the more difficult times get, the more the corruptive spending habits of our government are exposed. It is at such unprecedented times that our governments have an oppurtunity to really execute their legislative powers and pass bills that would help all of its citizens. Instead we bare witness to the birage of blockades these laws represent. There is no "Government of the people, for the people", but many false representatives who 'steal from the people'! Imagine the audacity of all these people! Not only are they making almost three times the average income and upwards but they cannot even put that money back into the economy to stimulate it. No, our 'power hungry, money starved members' of government have to go into our pockets to subsidise their 'measly incomes'!