Wednesday October 14, 2009
These are two of my greatest reasons to be grateful everyday! The reasons that keep me going even when the osteo arthritis(along with many other painfuland chronic illnesses) is trying to take me out. Many people have it so wrong about our precious children.....and sadly in this culture, so much exists to tear them away from the family that truly loves them and turn them into unrecognizable people, who only have damaging themselves and inflicting(all be it at times unintentional)pain and suffering upon those who love them most! This is said to be a normal part of teenagehood:the rebellion. I had disagreed with that statement in the past and believed if you teach your children the multitude of skills required to succeed in this world;how to nourish their bodies, to have an active lifestyle, the significance of your spiritual soul(the greatest treasure) and the outright lying of well as the vital buiding of your childs' esteem and compassion! That doesn't mean no criticism but constructive crticism, that will help them to change and better themselves. I choose to proceed each of these little tutorials with acknowledging their attributes and then paying attention to the behaviour that needs changing. This way they are more readily accepting to change once they already feel good about themselves;it gives them the confidence needed to do so. However lately I've had a very traumatic experience regarding my eldest teenage daughter....I learned the hard way that you can do all the right things and still the outside influence has her claws into your child...until she does not even look or speak like herself! Through this, yet another humbling experience I recognized that because of other circumstances beyond my control, there was absolutely nothing I could have done to stop the chain of events that would unrattle. So I did the one thing I know how to do really well, especially when there are few answers...I talked to God...didn't have to plead my case, for I know he knows the details better than I! No, I did something I never thought I could do but certainly understand other mothers who have had to do the same......I have 3 other incredible children that were dramatically affected and they deserve better! And with that resolve I had to give my precious daughter(who in my eyes was deeply loved and greatly repected by her mother)to God, while I continue to pursue different avenues of help for her-for us.........I've learned that my story is quite common, some say even reaching epedemic if you have an estrangement from your own precious child and you are convicted of outside force involvement....please do not give up and keep your daily focus on the unique and gifted other children left around you who require not only your attention(devotion)but encouragement that the rough seas will too the best parent you can be, bringing joy and laughter and a sense of a loving God, whom they can trust and depend on at all times, especially the difficult ones.....and that child, that teenager you don't recognize anymore.....well just keep praying...a special bond like that can never be broken...and no matter what they experience, how marvelous or horrendous....know that the light of God still shines in them, even with the enemy trying to push it out....and God always leads the lost....he uses their skills and talents and his unconditional love and mercy, his lead them back home......Doesn't it disturb you how a child so full of promise can throw their whole future away based upon the idelogy of 'Social-Pop' culture?....Remember the Miracle of Reconcilliation is a favourite of Gods.
Hang tight to all you who are still waiting for the return of a child....and to you others, hang tight onto your children, spend more time with them..listen to them develop in every area of their lives and for Gods sake DO NOT LEAVE THEM TO THEIR OWN DEVICES or worse yet the influence of peers, pornography and the psychologically damaging them as if they were children but treat them with the respect and desire for their input, as if they were adults.......Never forget the POWER of MIRACLES...just look at the news lately and discover that the testimonies of Miracles are being attributed to what would have been disasterous and tragic outcomes......With Love and Respect