Sunday, November 29, 2009


As our American neighbours celebrate 'Black Friday', the day after their Thanksgiving allocated for bargain shopping, the news of the alleged  ABUSE  and  HORRIFIC  conditions at The Toronto Humane Society(at River St.)shake our city and it's good name!  However with the current level of  VIOLENCE  and abuse in our societies;is it really a surprise?  The most vulnerable are our children and our canine/feline, companions. After that you can add Women to that ever increasing list of victims subjected to cruelty and abuse! Hard to accept this devestating  TRUTH  about our societies and that those that are supposed to SHIELD and  PROTECT  are often the  AGRESSORS  who are inflicting the abuse;backed by atrocious legislation that does not punish these demons! Inspector Kevin Strooband(of the OSPCA)investigating the claims said, "I'm reeling from what I just saw. It's like a house of horrors. You'd never expect to find that in here. This isn't just an error. This is unbelievable." The society's president Tim Trow, along with 4 other members of the shelter, were taken away in handcuffs at the end of Thursday's raid. Also charged are the general manager Gary McCracken, supervisor Andy Bechtel, manager Romeo Bernadino and chief veterenarian Steve Sheridan. Now I must interject with a reality check, the shelter is filled with abused and ill animals;the condition they come there in. However, having over the last 30 years been there on multiple occasions to adopt a dog myself, there is no question of the lumming 'air of pain' in the shelter! The  CRIES and ODOURS of the shelter left me without a dry eye during my entire visit. I could not get the images out of my mind for weeks. I also felt that there was a dissproportionate amount of caregivers visa vis the animals;similar situation to our institutions that care for our sick and elderly. A University of Toronto bioethicist Kerry Bowman said it will be interesting to see how much of the legal case against the members hinges upon wether the animals were so ill that they should have been euthanized sooner. Bowman said, "These are ethical and philosophical questions, and it's very hard to force people and tell people how to think about that. I think it is definitely triggering an ethical debate." I recognize there are many people who either work or volunteer their time with the shelter who have hearts of gold, and my desire is not to paint a blanket judgement on everyone. Instead to bring attention to, what I would assume would be the small minority of abusers, and seek  JUSTICE  for the HELPLESS VICTIMS! As violence in our societies reach epedemic levels, the only means to rescue victims of abuse is for the  VOICES OF THE JUST  to keep getting louder and their action stronger! Personally, I have a difficult time with why there is not a greater public outcry for all victims of abuse but especially for the children! Why isn't Queens Park overcrowding with demonstrators who refuse to accept the unwillingness of our government and judicial systems to punish according to the severity of the crime;and in my eyes there is  NO GREATER CRIME THAN THOSE PERPATRATED AGAINST CHILDREN!  This photograph on the bottom left, and I know it's really difficult to look at, is that of a sexually abused boy. It's hard to wrap your brain around such an atrocity;what kind of evil does a man have to have in his heart to commit such an unspeakable crime? But it is a global reality for millions of children. Either born into it or abducted and forced into it, these are often unspeakable horrors that the child must endure! I cannot even fathom how these children survive!

This in my humble opinion, is absolutely the darkest side of man that any loving human being would be sickened by! And I still have a difficult time with it, yet I know that it is crucial to keep the dialogue continuously active. My heart goes out to all the police officers on the task force that deal exclusively with saving these innocent souls from their imprisonment! Just looking at the photographs is so disturbing, it's hard to conceive having to microscopicly sift through actual footage of these children and the sex acts they are forced to perform. Yet if the officers did not have the calling, and take this overwhelming burden upon themselves not one of these children would ever be rescued. From what I understand they all suffer deeply, and the images become embedded in their minds;making it impossible to shut them out! Honestly, I understand clearly why this is their reality. Then after going through the trauma(and it is a trauma for them)in order to capture these monsters and free the children, our broken judicial system gives these pedophiles barely a slap on the wrist and repeatedly releases them back into society to commit these atrocities again. Like that pedophile in Mississauga, who is being let back into the same neighbourhood for(I think)the third time. Mothers are so distressed and rightfully worried for their children, that they have all put up his picture on their fridges in order to protect their children from him. I mean this is insane, and I know myself having 4 children, I could never imagine when I was a young lady that I would in the future be having such conversations and having to teach them so early in their lives about such horrors;and having to be so very graphic and detailed in order to impart in them knowledge that would protect them from these monsters in our society. However better safe than sorry! Some parents feel uncomfortable to reveal such information but in this dangerous world it is absolutely  CRUCIAL  and  VITAL  to their safety and well being! Oh so very sad but so very true. The fact that children are abducted from their streets, their backyards and even their bedrooms and forced to become a sexual slave to one or thrust into the disgusting global sex trade, is todays reality! One organization that has championed this battle is The National Centre for Missing and Exploited Children, based in Alexandria, Virginia. They are solely responsible for bringing home many a child;but it can never be enough! The numbers are simply overwhelming, it makes you want to shut down society and have the collective effort of every citizen and every existing organization to save each and every one of them!  Put Society to a COMPLETE STANDSTILL until these precious SOULS, our precious CHILDREN, are brought home to their loved ones or put in the care of those who will help them to begin to heal. I'm going to bring this post to a close, it has been quite agonizing to research the images and write this, and I have been at it for many hours;I wanted to do justice to the plight of the abused, whether child, woman, man or animal...we are all God's creations and deserve to be treated with dignity and humanely! Here's the link to that organization, in case you would like to help...

On that note I am going to kiss my safely sleeping children on their precious heads and thank God THEY ARE SAFE!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Green Eyed Monster!
As you go through life and have more experiences and learn more about the nature of man, you will find that Envy/Jealousy, are consistant with people behaving so wickedly;so badly! They cannot stand the fulfillment and success of other people, which of course is measured in different ways by different people. Envy is a hateful and destructive emotion! The beauty of  LOVE is that just like it's opposite hate, it spreads. And people who are filled with it don't envy their family, friends or strangers because of their successes or accomplishments. In fact, we share in them and in the  JOY it brings. That is truly an expression of love as well, being happy for people! I cannot afford to go on a vacation....and it has been years;infact the second half of my life! In the first half I went every year to Europe and also many times to the Carribean as well. But when the people I love go, I am so happy for them and kinda enjoy what I cannot do through them being able to..make sense! Envy is by no means restricted to material acquisition(though there is alot of that)you can be envied for being good, kind, generous, loving, happy, tolerant or being able to handle alot! In other words for your VIRTUES these qualities in people bring out particularlly ugly rage from the envious.....they burn at your goodness....and to be good or bad(like everything else)is a choice! The envious always have an excuse to justify their behaviour, which always involves alot of lying and blameshifting(remember Brad Pitt/Julia Roberts in the Mexican)there was a scene in which Roberts' character throws out Pitts' characters'(her boyfriends)clothes off the balcony and goes in to a contemparary soliliquy about how problematic he is and that he is a blameshifter/always accusing her of what he is doing! I loved that scene so much and through both of their comedic/dramatic talent, they delivered a great truth regarding humanity. Well just recently I found out that it was not even a real word. The proper word(which I was always familiar with)is called TRANSFERANCE!  It means the exact same transfer what one is guilty of onto the innocent receiver, as if they were the ones doing it. I have had my own personal experience with transferance...and it is horrible! You do everything in your power to help this individual...showing them Love and kindnes and respect and forgiving them over and over and over again...understanding them, at a cost of hurting yourself....and it still is not enough! All the anger and hatred they have for the people that hurt them in the past, they transfer on to you. It is exhausting and they relish at filling you with guilt and some of them will not stop until they destroy you or try until the bitter humanity in them at all! ALL that you gave of yourself out of love and commitment, instead of appreciating and being grateful of the amazing relationship that they have(unlike the relationships of their past)they resent you for it, envy you, are jealous of you, even though they are the recipient of all that LOVE and KINDNESS and PATIENCE and FORGIVENESS....they are like that because you represent what they seem unable to be!  So to all you kind SOULS that spread the LOVE to all those around you...keep it those of you that do not envy but share in others joys and accomplishments...keep it up..although you will experience a deeper level of hurt, you can always remain confidant that in the EYES OF GOD, the way you are is a reflection of HIM!  Gods Speed, Angeloflight 


Monday, November 23, 2009

Day of Shame in Our Toronto Courts

Another RED stain on our judicial system! A day of shame for the breaking decision to drop all charges against the 4 co-accused in The Jane Creba Murder Trial!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

On a quick note, but a most significant one. I would like to issue a  RED ALERT  to the entire medical community on how they are about to handle this incredibly dangerous new information regarding  Mamographies  and that women should now not test regularly for breast cancer till' their fifties!  In the medical community,  flipping and flopping, contradicting and stopping necessary progress, is the nature of itself...another area where the egos of men inflict grave consequences upon the innocent citizen to further the wealth of the establishment and this always equals  CUTS! As if the citizens of this world are already not bleeding enough..soon there will be more who need the transfusions to even survive and the supply of blood is running out!    And I urge each and every one of you to keep this a hot topic and not let this cut make it through to law and prevent our mothers, daughters, sisters, aunts, cousins, grandmothers and friends from getting the testing they deserve and if necessary, the best care that should be given with great sensitivity! Breast Cancer is the one of the leading killers of women and on the rise and beside the ovbvious genetic predispostion(the importance of early testing), I believe that there is a direct environmental link...water filled with lead and chlorine, animals reared and food grown with growth hormones, antibiotics, pesticides and genetically altered....soil, absent of essential nutrients and contaminated from industry production and human waste disposal......Climate shifting and global warminig and natural disasters and all the  toxins, destruction and disease that is the AFTERMATH!    With all the progress we have made in the early detection and survival rates for BREAST CANCER this study and suggestion is ABSOLUTELY BARBARIC, a giant step for Mankind....backwards!!!         Gods Speed    Angeloflight                                     

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Part II:Me, Myself and I

Me, Myself and I; The Unholy Trinity!!! There can be no good that ever comes from self-obsession, it's not self introspection, it's self indulgence...and it brings pain and misery to all who are in their unfortunate path. Societys' obsession with it's ID ie. It's Ego, has left graveyards of damaged souls and disintergrating bones. Hearts unmendable, collatoral damage and many feeling left in the cold, left all alone. To witness  the unwillingness of man to focus on others, for the greater good, was replaced on focusing on oneself, for self promotion. And it's toxicity affected generations/where a greater portion of society would step on anyone, unscrupulously/to advance themselves/where excess and slothfulness replaced moderation and generousity! That being said, in this time of extremities/polarities existing simoultaneoulsly, the movement of kindness and compassion continues...there is a greater awareness of global humanitarian intervention..and there are honourable people and organizations who are SAVING MANY, MANY LIVES as our God continues to watch over us and watch what is our  reaction to the crisis;and what action does it bring us to/what are we each personally doing to aid those who need us the most? Selflessness:the opposite of selfishness, thus also being of enormous consequence but on the Beneficial, instead of Detremental, Side!

Are you in the darkness? Are your thoughts only of your self, no matter the pain that it inflicts on others? Is your ego your only concern and are "Me, Myself and I" whom you WORSHIP ?

Or are you in the LIGHT?
 Are you an EARTHLY ANGEL? One who spreads their wings and flies to intervene on behalf of MAN? Anyone who has the heart of an angel, has the power of an angel...and their pure love and desire to do Gods' Will...will lead them to accomplishing supernatural feats in aiding mankind!

In many ways, these are very dark days for Man...However, if you open your eyes you will see illuminating rays of LIGHT peering and shining through this darkness ALL OVER THE WORLD!

Thursday, November 19, 2009


After ENVY, SELFISHNESS would have to be the ugliest and most destructive of the human character traits. After envying another for what they have or who they are, being self obssesed(narcsisistic to the extreme)or self absorbed individuals produce very chaotic and unstable environments. SELFISHNESS is a key mover in destroying a society. There are so many vulnerable groups in our society of which it is our duty and responsability to look out for those individuals. They are children, from infancy to schoolage/a time of guiding and teaching for healthy development and a balanced life. The preteens, they need to be prepared and taught skills of social etiquette,and communication and for managing and coping with LIFE! Then our teenagers, the age we come to know everything, but seemingly learn nothing from our elders(generalizing, of course)the most dangerous of developmental stages because the stakes were never that high, the consequences are often irrevokable! We live in a society where adults are terrified of the teenagers, whether their own or someone elses;and truthfully, who can blame them? This Triple XXX generation has pumped out some of the most violent, promiscuous, self-loathing, self-indulged young adults;with a sense of entitlement which would rival that of the French Aristocracy! Lacking motivation and a true sense of purpose(which no matter how many friends on Facebook you have = no purpose, except for people to envy those who have the most)this generation has been exposed to media and advertisers messages that "It's all about you! If it feels good, do it? What consequences, live for the moment?" and those messages take on all forms. But where the idea of SELFISHNESS has driven through is in human intamacy. Being reduced to less loving than animals, the instant gratification, the porno machine;the powerful monster in the room people are reluctant to talk about....but when it comes to our children...THAT IS A DEADLY MISTAKE! The fact that the need to talk about it is so DIRE/URGENT, in itself signifies how far gone it is. The availability of it on the internet, is something even the wisest of us could have not predicted....but the fact that children are abducted, tortured, raped and enslaved in order to make this possible is INCOMPREHENSIBLE!UNACCEPTABLE! And except for a small percentage of strong and active voices, the problem grows uglier by the minute yet silence remains painfully in place! Teenagers need to know how to respect the opposite sex and develop meaningful friendships thus one day leading to finding their true love(and I know most of them through experience believe that only happens in Fairytales). Now I'm not naiive and know that it is certainly not common but Fairytales are not the only place for the expressions of true love. They do happen on this earth and they do originate from our creator and there is tragedy, but to LOVE, to truly LOVE another soul as the other half of yours, now that is one of the most self-less things one can do! lookfor part II tomorrow:Me,myself and I! Gods Speed Angeloflight