Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Physical Wounds HEAL though they may leave Scars
The Scars that are left in our Heart, Invisible as they may be
The LOVE and COMPASSION of GOD and Others Help HEAL
I've had People CRY when they found out what I'd been through
How I carried it in SILENCE with a SMILE on my face
That some said Could CHANGE the WORLD with such GRACE
A HEART that Always Understood and Sympathized
Reflecting the GOD of JUSTICE right back into their EYES(the Windows to our SOULS)
I'm Not Partial to SILENCE(except in the Wilderness)
WORDS and EXPRESSIONS that FLOW better fill that SPACE
I was SILENCED by the Mastermind*
The FOOL who Always says it's YOU to BLAME
As he pounds your ribcage with his massive frame
And BLINDS your SIGHT with his BLOWS of RAGE
Till' GOD Sent me Earthly ANGELS to remind me of who I  REALLY WAS
It INSPIRED me to GIFT to Others
That what was from me Taken Away
I made a CONVENANT with Him that if I Survived to RESCUE Us ALL
I would put Pen to Paper, Brush to Canvass and CREATE MUSIC and LYRICS
Use All the Gifts He BLESSED me with to Ease the PAIN of Others
That have Suffered the Same or in Different Ways
I Like You Sister am Following GOD'S COUNCIL and REACHING OUT
And LIVE by the Same Credo, "Be Part of the SOLUTION and not part of the Problem"
The VISIONS He Gave me of ANSWERED PRAYERS that the LORD Spoke into me
Were Intensley STRONG and CLEAR
Giving me the Strength to CRAWL out of where I was and CLOSER to HIM
All of which I've Already WITNESSED
And Know there's MORE to Come of... + + +

* Mastermind, Title taken from Suzanne Perry, New York City, Behind the Mastermind(The Abuser), check out her writing for the Examiner/  link to /x-27677-Buffalo-Startup-Business-Examiner

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