Wednesday, December 30, 2009



And above All else LOVE one another! Show Affection towards and Be Devoted to one another! When one's Heart is Heavy, be that shoulder they can cry on...those ears that hear their Pain! Keep your eyes open to seeing when someone is in Need, and if it be in your means, fill it! A Smile, A Hug are Always Free! You can change that person's day, you can even change their future, as the realization that they are Loved sinks in Deep to replace the Pain and Anger their Heart held onto! Extending COMPASSION is so Vital to the Healing of Heartache, experienced by so many in similar and different ways. According to the dictionary(The Random House College)it is a feeling of deep Sympathy and sorrow for another's suffering or misfortune, accompanied by a desire to alleviate the Pain or remove it's Cause. People often make the mistake of Judging the Pain of others, as if it were a weakness. But I say that expressing Pain is actually a Sign of Strength;it is the inability to do so,  that is the weakness!  Some People have no Compassion for the World's Starving and Sick and Displaced...they confuse the Oppressive Regimes with the People they Oppress and say horrible things like, "Why do they keep having Children?"  Without putting forth the Reality that, like us they LOVE their children and receive much Joy from their relationships with them. Equally they suffer Deeply when their children are starving, sick and homeless;with the LOVE of GOD Inside them I cannot Imagine how tormenting it must be to watch their Children in such Distress and unable to help them. I know how devasted I used to feel if I couldn't get something for the kids(and I'm not even talking Essentials...Like Water, Food or going to school!) Witnessing such Suffering Helped me to tone down the expectations I have of myself, of how much I need to be Giving them. I am Always there for them, I cook everything from scratch and have taught them all about nutrition and the importance of Food to Our Lives! I have shown them the Ways of the World and they know more about the Political Climate and Social Issues of our Nation and those around the World, than many Adults! I taught them that God is Inside of Us, and that the Holy Spirit within, is the communicator between Us and Our Father through the Son! Emmanuelle, God with us! Many parents fail to trust God in a manner that they can Witness to their Children, TRUST him in All situations and be Anxious for Nothing. Most of them, although not intentionally, are belittling the Power of God to Change not only situations but an entire Life. Also that despite how dire the situation is...there is never Nothing to do about it...even when the circumstances are beyond your contro, There IS ALWAYS teach them to Give it to God, so they are not paralysed by what Tragedy is happening...but rather become Confident that no matter what it may look like now, GOD IS IN CONTROL...and he will use everything Bad that Happens to you for your Benefit...for your Strengthening...and for A Promised Victory(of course as long as your Wish is in Line with HIS WILL! Where the Suffering Children of the Earth are concerned, I taught them to have COMPASSION and Understanding of how Injust it Is! I used their examples to illustrate to them that they should Always be coming from a Place of Gratitude! I got a foster child from Kenya, named Eggiron Issaih, and support his whole family and village with my Sponsorship, for supporting one child/one family BENEFITS an ENTIRE COMMUNITY! Despite that I had many Challenges when I left my 15 year marriage, and saw many cuts to my disability, I had to borrow against my pension to bring us through it all, and Thank God I had where to go! I support a well know Christian Ministry and they are Incredible, besides being My Lifeline many times, they spread the WORD of GOD to all the corners of the Earth, and their Missions work is Comendable! So even when I couldn't afford it, I refused not to pay, knowing that God will Help me because I took that money out of our mouths to FEED the HUNGRY! Usually when times get real tough economically, the first to suffer are Charitable Organizations, for Giving is a CHOICE, not like the mortgage, car, and credit card payment you have to make. So it becomes too easy to drop first what you don't have to pay! What I have learned, through my Conversations with God, that because the money is doing HIS WORK, it should in tough times become an even greater PRIORITY! And thankfully being Blessed with the ability to put myself in other people's shoes, if it's tough with all the cuts for Us, what does that make it for them...Impossible? No, but only if People recognize that their Help is at that time needed even more! I kept All 4 children off the Internet, literally till' about 7 months ago, and believe me it was no easy task, with the schools connecting all homework to the net! But I can Proudly say my son Skye is an exceptionally gifted Drummer, and the little ones were Blessed the same way! I think Trinity wasn't even 2 years old when she got on  Skye's drum kit and played for the first time, like she'd been studying for a couple of years! My youngest son Tristan, around 1 and a half, did the Exact same thing. Truthfully I was floored and it Inspired me to pursue My Arts with a Greater they would be able to do theirs! They All have Exceptional Talent for Drawing and Skye is a Master Engineer. He blows me away with what he can design(going back to all those days playing with Lego)to what Engineering solution he can come up with to implement Any Idea...and how much he actually absorbed! We received a Special Miracle for Christmas! When we got to our new house in June, I had left my crappy keyboard behind, swearing to one day have a Korg! Well that's going to take longer than I thought, so in the mean time one of my friends(a well known geno-physicist)lent me hers. She has 3 Incredible children, the Triplets(one day I'd like to write a children's book with them featured as the main characters), and they became our instantaneous friends! Such LOVE and KINDNESS and actual HELP they gave of themselves...we were surely KINDRED SPIRITS! But a month ago she really needed it back because her sister wanted to work on something, and I was Grateful for the Extended Length of time she had lent it to me! I realized that with Christmas around the corner, there's no way I could fit the keyboard into the I started PRAYING for a PIANO...Please Lord, as Happy as I would be with a keyboard and all I could do on it Artistically...I 'm a Pianoplayer by Nature and found Myself really Yearning for one. However, if it wasn't possible to buy a keyboard, it was even less possible to buy a PIANO! But My FAITH remained UNscathed and Relentless...knowing full well that if it was the WILL of God there would be a Piano sitting in the livingroom! Well, there is a PIANO sitting in the living room and it's not Just any Piano, it is A LIMITED EDITION by Heintzman and Co.with Black Onyx embossed letters G.E.R.H.A.R.D, in other words it was the pianomakers own personal instrument...will research more it has a special serial no. I'll check into when I have a Moment! The Miracle is that this PIANO was Given for FREE...and there were many that wanted it...but the owner chose to Gift it to me and I will Forever Remember Such Kindness and the Anwering of My Prayer!  LOVE and COMPASSION
Pours out of OUR  SOULS and Manifests Itself As CHANGE in the LIVES of those who NEED it Most...and also to those We LOVE, when we teach and guide them to FILL their HEARTS with those Virtues, the LOVE Spreads throughtout this Beautiful Earth God Made for US!  



From All the Talents God Gave Me, Music would be the first to surface! I was but 4 years old when I asked(and probably demanded)that I want to play piano! I would study under My Greek Teacher from the Conservatory of Music for 2 years without the Precious Instrument in My Home! I had a cardboard interpretation of the Keyes on the Piano. And despite the Accolades My Teacher would give me, I studied the Instrument Without the Instrument! A Pianoplayer was what I was by Nature, but despite Redford's Portrayl of Butch Cassidy and Scott Joplin's Music(ie. The Entertainer)in 'The Sting' , becoming a Pianoplayer wasn't in those days much of An Ambition, Yes because we're all supposed to be Doctors and Engineers(One of which I actually wanted to be, and it's not engineer!)  Entertaining people was not yet considered a profession but more so a DREAM and for most, an Unachievable One! Long before 'American Idol' and 'America's Got Talent', being an Artist was somewhat of a demotion;not much different from the fate of The Great Masters!  If I had Just a Quarter for every time someone told me, "But what do you really want to do with your LIFE?"  Fact remains I've Never Wanted to Do Anything else! Studying Classical Piano and Ballet would lead me to quite the Successful Acting career from the age of 12 till' 14! I worked with some of the Great Canadian Icons and almost each audition was a Job! Unfortunately Deep in My Heart was Engraved "This is not a real profession!", and so I sought Solace In My Friends(which were the Siblings I Always Longed For)and quit All the Arts that were part of me since I was a wee bitty child!  I stopped Singing, Dancing, Acting and playing the piano! Oh what would Judy Garland say(one of my musical heroes)oh yeah, she was dead;overdose I think? I would Bury All this Talent and become an Musical Introvert, Oh the Irony! I wanted to be like Rita Haywort(and everyone said I looked just like her), the 'triple threat', which Just meant you could SING, DANCE and ACT! I really didn't want to be a threat to anyone, I just wanted to be the Talent I was! Once I suppressed all my Performing Arts, I Clung to my Writing(mostly depressive poetry)mostly I wrote when I was Sad(a way to work it out)and Painting and Sketching! It was in those mediums I could hide my other talents, without judgement! As if creating garnered a microscope to be pointed at you! Well to draw and paint, I could remain Anonymous in a way! But, as I would find out years later, I would never be satisfied, for The Performer, The Entertainer, in me, would Forever Be Itching to Come Back Out! And humbly speaking, I must say, It Is Now Completely Out, as I embark Back 'On Down the Road', and Explore My GOD GIVEN TALENTS(once again)this time around...I won't Hold Back!


Tuesday, December 29, 2009


After spending 2 DAYS Without Smoking...I Was Freakin', looking for some thing I could smoke. Wowez  Me,  All I could find was a Top o' the Line Cuban Cigar(my parents brought back from their bi-yearly trip to Cuba) from my freezer from a few Seasons Ago! Damn is that thing thick? As I wait from my local  neighbourhood convience store man(who has become a good friend and AID) personally deliver those wretched smokes to my actually wasn't so bad going without smokes...till' I decided to drink instead of smoking while I'm writing(the Hemingway in me)and before  you know it,  the Martini's are going alongside of the cigars(All that's Left from Christmas!) ! I don't think that I ever exhausted the Ritual around a Cigar as I did tonight! I Always thought it was more of a Refined Experience...Truth be told it can be quite Raunchy...even for the regular smoker...and Now I'm on my 4th OLIVE(that which I usually Cook with or BLESS the House with!) Now that I Contemplate it...More People SHOULD have a Cigar and Martini...Just to STRAIGHTEN themselves out! I've gone through My Struggles of Using Alchohol To Solve My  Problems...IT WAS A MISTAKE(A SIN!)!  But Enjoying it once in a Quite Sweet! If you're not predisposed to an addictive SHOULD GO AHEAD and ENJOY!  That's the kinda  Message I'm trying to SPREAD!  Once in a BLUE MOON(Which the Eve of December 31st 2009 into 2010 Was A VERY MYSTIC MOMENT IN TIME), or once in a while, it is O.K. to INDULGE!  Give yourself a little bit of what is Forbidden! As Long as It Does Not Damage Your SOUL! Let this be a LESSON- Moderation IS A GOOD CHOICE...we cannot Deprive Ourselves of Everything!...that ain't HEALTHY either!  But there is MUCH to be SAID of BALANCE...after 4 Decades I'm Still Learning this LESSON! Like the Jews that wandered in the Wilderness for 40 Years...they did not Need to be there that LONG!  So even though I've had to Learn Most Lessons the Hard Way...You Really are Never Too Old to take that short-cut to the Same Destination! O.K. My Cigar is OUT and my delivery Man is Still not Here...So I'm Going To LIGHT it Again and You Go Decide whether there's Any TRUTH to what I'm the Simplest of Matters! 


Sometimes It's Just Not Easy Feeling Others PAIN
This Sick Feelin' takin' over your Body Once Again
Who asked to SEE you in My Dreams
Who asked to FEEL you in My Dreams
Do you think it's Easy Feeling Your Sorrow?
Do you think it's Easy Hoping You'll See Tomorrow?(Before you kill yourself or Just Lie!)
Visions, Prophecies and Intuitions
Life Would Be Simpler Without them!
But then I wouldn't be WHO I AM!
Sometimes it's a Burden to Carrry
But you want so Desperately To Help
Even though you don't physically Know that SOUL!
There is No Down time...there never Was!
For the Little sleep I get
Is Usually Confronted with Messages of those I don't Even Know!
I Repeat, I Never Asked For  This...
But If I Can HELP...Please Hear My Call...
A VOICE in the Night of Hope!
You Gotta Hear me...for I Feel You!
And one cannot go without the other...
It's My Show...sometimes I can't Find the Strength to Rise To!
But what will All those Confused Souls do?
0 Hear Me in the Blistering Silence or in the Deafening of the Stage Music!
Hear My SOUL, what I pour onto the Masses,
Sometimes SCREAMING, Still they don't know...JUST HOW HARD THIS IS?


Something I've been thinking about alot lately...the 'Duoality of My Childhood'...born and raised in Toronto, Canada(Damn COLD Country!)...spending most summers in The Jewel of Europe, One of the Multitude of Islands in The Adriatic Sea in Croatia or simply at my favourite aunt's country home outside of  the capital Zagreb(Feeding the chickens and rollin' with the pigs in the Hay, it was Heaven!)...what a Fairytale Existence...what a yearly Culture Shock...why did Music and Art and Food and Wine and Creating seem to mean More to the European Culture than the North America I was destined to be Born In? Why did the Europeans seem to appreciate MORE Enjoying the Simpler things in Life, which turned out to be also the Finer things in Life! Why did they place equal value on Pleasure as they did on Work;Striking a Balance in One's Life! What a Contrast to Our American Societies! It was Always so difficult to return to this Capitalistic Society, where EVERYTHING was Geared towards Making Money and Profit!(Today unfortunately they too have that 'Global Disease') Unlike today's girls(who look up to Brittney Spears!Scary thought!), when I was growing up, My HERO was Pipi Longstalking! There was little I wanted More than A Horse(which usually required wealth) and Monkey(which usually required being part of the scientific community), I'm SERIOUS! My own transportation to send me off on my daily Adventures and my FAIITHFUL Best Friend, My much Better does Life Get? Each Summer I spent in Croatia Gave Me A Very Special let me be PIPI! By the time I was six I started cooking and at seven I could clean the whole house better than Most Adults(An Instictive Knowledge of the Domestic Arts)! When we were vacationing at the coast one summer, I think I was 7(from what my aunt says)there was this Israeli backpacker from Tel Aviv, I found him wandering Our pristine waterfront, seemingly without where to go and of course I took it upon Myself, even at that Tender Age, to HELP Him!  I asked him, "Do you need a place to stay?" That's Eactly what He Needed! For some reason this twenty-something from one of the most dangerous places on Earth, TRUSTED me(A 7 year old Girl) to Answer His Prayers;it would be the first time in my recollection, I would Recognize My Purpose To Help Others! He Followed Me to our Pension...which of course, we were just renting! My Family Apologized for My Enthusiasim and Anticipation and let Him know that they could not Help! I still to this Day at 43 Remember the Horrid Feeling in My Stomach, knowing it was Beyond My Capacity to Help this Man! A lesson I would Continue to Learn throughout Life, You can't Always Help in the Way You Would Like...but it is Within Your Soul To Feel Others Pain and Needs! Like Dorothy in Kansas, I hopped on my aunts bike and went along my Way on the Croatian countryside, I did this Every Day! By the time I was 7, I already had 3 years of classical training in Piano and Ballet, and I assume the Freedom that practicing My Artforms Gave me, I extended into my every day LIFE! I would stop at my aunt's friends house(almost everyone had one)and play their piano for them...then we would have a Turkish(like Espresso)coffee and fresh baked Corn Cake! I liked to make up my own Compositions...everyone wanted Chopin and Mozart (and they are my favourites), but I was designed with the Ability to Create;and this would continue to be a theme in my LIFE!  They would Witness this Young Child of God with a Talent beyond her Time...they Just Wanted Me to Follow Authority...this I would later Suffer a 'Great Deal' Because Of! On one of my daily excursions, I was about 9 or so and having coffee and fresh cornbread with this 80something year old acquaintence of my aunts...her cat had delivered about 6 or 7 weeks prior...I was completely Infatuated with the Innocence of the Kittens...a Special Kind of Sweetness and quite frankly Godliness in their Very Nature! I asked and I received...I brought the kitten home to my aunt and that was the beginning of her 'cat shelter' that exists to this DAY! These Times were in so many ways Uncomplicated and Easier...Simple Luxuries our children cannot know because 'The Times They Are So Dangerous! '  Next Post...More on The Adventures of Pipi-Air;A Simpler Time!
Angeloflight Godspeed 2009


And then there's 'Advertising'- one of the greater 'Evils' in this World! An Industry which has targeted our children with misconceptions and lies about what it is they require to be HAPPY;to be Successful. Convincing them of many falsehoods as to what Identifies them;sending so many 'Mixed Messages'. Like the drug pusher on the street corner, Luring the 'Discontended Children'
towards Addictions;only their drug is 'Toxic Junkfood'! Drink Coca Cola, Eat Doritos and Breakfest,Lunch and Dine at fast food Joints. All the while maintaining an impossibly low weight(especially with such a diet), fitting into an Unhealthy(for most body types)and Unrealistic size 0 or 1. Images of 'Altered Body Parts' NOBODY Can Achieve, for they do not even exist and are Manipulated by Computer Generated Technology! Using 'SEX to SELL' Everything from chocolate and gum to clothing and cars;it's awfully disturbing and quite insane. Advertisers are taking the Creativity out of the Adds and Replacing it with the 'Raunchy Messages' they are Pushing on our Youth! They Encourage Promiscuity and Bad Behaviour, while advertising medication for the Rampant STD's they can easily contract! Commercials for condoms reminding them to use them and assuming they're Sexually Active. PREACHING the ideology that since they're going to be having sex anyways, let's Educate them on 'Safe Sex';an Oxymoron in itself. There Is NO Safe Sex!  What happened to teaching Our Children about what God has to say on the matter! Teaching them about Abstinence and the many BENEFITS of waiting for Marriage;where one may be Protected against 'All the Horrors' that come with pre-marital Sex! Telling the THE TRUTH, that being Sexually active outside of marriage, not only Robs them of their Physical Health but their Emotional and Psychological States, are Severly Compromised;the Effects of which may be 'Felt a Lifetime'! Of course, the condom manufacturers do not make money off such MORALLY based Messages! I watched my own 'Evolution of Liberalism', as I was Swept Away by the years of 'My Rebellious Youth'! Some of the Freedoms I thought were Worth Fighting For, turned out Only to Actually Represent Bondage! Restrictions(in a Chain of Types)from Discipline and Order, which I Now Know, serve a Greater PURPOSE towards ACHIEVING INNER PEACE and JOY! So Above ALL else LOVE your Children but Do Not Be Afraid do instill Order into their Lives(without fanatasism)and Discipline Your Child! Not through Force and Aggression but rather through Love and Compassion;It's not an easy Time for them Either!

Monday, December 28, 2009





Saturday, December 26, 2009


As one of the most difficult, yet PROFOUND years of my Life(and many on our planet) comes to an end, my Heart Feels Heavy with Sorrow for Many out there who are Suffering Deeply! There are so many circumstances beyond one's control, and neither a reflection of Their Good Character nor their constant KIND actions, but rather a statement of the fact that; "Bad things happen to Good People ALL the Time! Discouraging, to say the least for many and often emotionally draining and can even be crippling as well! The Past decade and a half we have Witnessed selfish, immoral and quite frankly criminal behaviour of men towards their fellow men! The intentional infliction of Pain upon those who conduct themselves in a Loving, Kind, Generous and Selfless manner in order to bring Joy, Happiness, Aid and CHANGE OUR WORLD for the BETTER! I have spent the better half of this year Praying to Our God that circumstances for 'The Good' will Change for the Better! That those who deserve LOVE(for they give so much away)WILL RECEIVE IT! That Healings for the Sick WILL HAPPEN! That the Enemies of the Righteous WILL BE PUNISHED By GOD ALONE!  That the Hungry WILL HAVE FOOD and the SICK HAVE MEDICINE!  That those displaced by War and Natural Disasters WILL HAVE HOMES! That those risking and loosing their Lives to Defend the Citizens of the World, WILL ESTABLISH PEACE! That their deaths and infirmities and the sufferings of their families,  WILL NOT HAVE BEEN IN VAIN! But as a result of their Courage and Dedication and of course, Physical Action...there Shall Be Liberation...There Shall Be FREEDOM from the Oppressive Regimes they are in Bondage to!  Most of All, that they have the God Given RIGHT to WORSHIP their God(without fear of imprisonment or death)!  The Prince of PEACE and the transformer of SOULS! That the Power of Forgiveness,  HEALS many throughout our Beautiful WORLD! That those who are Believers, rid themselves of political correctness and Take A Stand...Profess the Lord...Publicly Worship Him and Walk this Earth as an Example of Him...remember, and this IS a HISTORICAL FACT...the only BLAMELESS/SINLESS Man in recorded HISTORY was Jesus!...does that not Speak VOLUMES...of Who the 'Jesus of Nazareth' WAS...and one other person could ever  State such a Claim...Open your Minds and then your Hearts...and they are in Union with True Faith! Kindness has Always mattered but I believe at this time there is an even Greater Significance...and that Every Act of Kindness Brings A Tear to GOD'S EYE...and Us Closer to His Return! There is no act of KINDNESS too small or insignificant! And to Collective Acts of Kindness...Well they most certainly and Divinely MOVE MOUNTAINS!  I pray 2010 is an OUTPORING of LOVE and GENOUROUSITY, in which we mere mortals do the WILL of GOD and Affect CHANGE All Over this Spectacular World God created out of  LOVE for His Creations!  

                           MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A BLESSED NEW YEAR!

Friday, December 25, 2009


"I'm on Call...I'll be There...When You Fall...To Pieces...Lord You Know...I'll Be There When You Fall"...The CREDO I have Lived by my Entire Life...Must Be the Christ Inside Me...But, and many times to a fault, when those I Loved Needed Me...I Would be there for All of them when they fell to a teenager, long before the days of cell phones and instant messaging, every single night I unplugged my parents phone line, so when the phone rang at 3 or 4 in the morning(which it Always did) with a friend who needed rescuing, I WAS matter what test or exam I had the next day...the Pain of my friend's Soul's were more important than any mark that would determine my level of intelligence, WAS!  Sometimes I'm so sick and tired of trying to keep up this 'Christian Front', like I'm some Perfect Creature, without Sin! Truth be told, I'm as Great a Sinner as the rest of them, only I recognize I'm subject to what Jesus thinks of me, and quite frankly, after 43 years of Life, that's All I really think of, what Jesus thinks of me! The older I get, the more I seem to think that Everything revovlves Around The Opinion Of Christ! I have driffted far away from what others think and truthfully the ONLY judge of me is if I fall short of the Secular World's Judgement of Me, I am subserviant to ONLY CHRIST other Words He is The Only One that can bring Judgement Upon Me! But I have grown Weary...Of Always trying to be an example of Him with My Imperfect Humanisim!~ I occasionally Fall short to be an Example Of Christ; yet STILL and WONDERFULLY people look upon me As His WITNESS!  So the Way I Conduct myself trully matters, because I AM AN Example of  Christ! It is most certainly A Load to Bear, but it is not TOO HEAVY...sometimes I am exhausted with trying to be The Christ In People's Lives! And I just WANT the Same back at Me!..So I PRAY for that Soul that Feels the Same!...My Soul mate, which I thought 17 years ago I found, BUT I WAS WRONG!  Sometimes you can Put Your Best towards someone who Just Does Not Deserve YOU! The Only One that really DESERVES ME, is the One That LOVES CHRIST the Same Way I Do! ...and that is The Man I Seek!...I Believe I have, after ALL this time found him...Now He must Seek Me Out...In the Name of Christ!...     


Wednesday, December 23, 2009



During this deeply Reflective and Emotional Season of Our Lives, the Desire to be even Closer to Our CHRIST as we Revel in His birth and Await His return, many of us are experiencing the Supernatural...the Divine Prescences all around us that Intervene on our behalfs as we are Relentlessly attacked by satan's army of demons whose days are at an END; Saving our, shall we say deriere's, over and over again! Remember The Fall, Lucifer took one third of HEAVEN'S angels with him to Earth, so he would be able to Destroy US at this very Time in History, THE TRIBULATION! It is said they numbered in the hundreds of thousands. No worries though for it is also said,  for every demon there are 8(I think?)ANGELS! In other words, GOD'S ARMY does and WILL kick Satan's butt! No matter how bleak things may seem or get, nor how much tragedy befalls mankind during this time, The God With In Us is RISING UP...ready with Pen and go Up Against the armies of hell!!!  We are feeding The Hungry, Going to War, Singing About Jesus on The World Stages, Caring for the Sick, Helping our Neighbours, Forgiving the Unrighteous, Pouring out Compassion, Sharing our Testimonies and Guarding those of Our Children, AND WE ARE PRAYING, GOD KNOWS WE ARE PRAYING FROM ALL ENDS OF THE EARTH WHERE HIS NAME WAS FORBIDDEN OR NOT KNOWN! THERE IS NOT A NATION THAT KNOWS NOT OF HIS NAME!  And so it was written for US, that at this time we should not fear but study and reprove ourselves. We were never left in the dark, each single sign is in the WORD, just because people failed with their interpretations to see accurately(eg. thinking the Lord would return any time before Israel was a State(country) was simply ignoring the obvious). Or anytime before a One World Government was established, again just not possible, Revelations is VERY clear!  As we Journey through the Tribulation I encourage YOU ALL to ENJOY THE RIDE OF A LIFETIME...Fear ONLY GOD And HE WILL NEVER FORSKE YOU...It is also a time of GREAT LOVE  OUTPOURING Of TESTIMONIES AND FERVERENT CHANGE...And ANGELS In Our Bedrooms...Godspeed + + +

Sunday, December 20, 2009



I have many times in my life witnessed True Courage! I have heard about it, read about it, seen it in actIion and experienced it myself. Courage leads itself to a Great Sense of Hope! When a person behaves courageously, warranted by circumstances, the courage they show, reveals their Hope for an improvement, a resolution, or a simple change for the better. I think of how many people were killed trying to reach the summits of the world's highest mountains and then how many others, because of their courage, determination and hope, survived what they should have not! The mountain is a metaphor for Life, the progression and reaching of set goals, for the purpose of accomplishment! Learning and absorbing to accend yet another level. Each level brings a deeper understanding of all things, as well as an increase in skill or a further development of one's talents! I believe that some are higher on the mountain than others. Their reasoning, morality, choices and devotion to others, keep them scaling yet another level, passing many along the mountain that are stagnate lower down because they lack courage and faith in themselves to continue to grow! What they lack they make up for in resentment and that will paralyse you at whichever level you may be. And then there is God, if I learned one thing in this Life and in this World you cannot have inner peace without having a relationship with our God! It is that relationship that makes you strive harder to live Virtuously and be forever growing. A man who says he has nothing left to learn, is a man whose either Ego is heavily inflated, or simply lacks the motivation to improve(I prefer even Refine)one's charcter and knowledge! And then there is the example of Courage witnessed by others by people who battle ILLNESS! The 9 year old boy that's lying for 2 years in a bed at Sick Kids, going through his 3rd round of Chemotherapy after having his right leg amputated due to the spread of his Cancer! The enormous Courage it takes not to give up in the midst of such ongoing pain and suffering, absent from all life's activities and many relationships, due to necessary confinement! The Courage of his parents to endure their sons illness, suffer terribly financially and have the constant Cloud of Doom over their precious child's head, as to weather they will ever survive...this is Brutal! It also brings out the Godliness in most men, to be supportive, available and Always Praying for the Best!

Battling chronic illness is also a 24-7 job! There is nothing you do that in the background(and often foreground)the body isn't simoultaneously experiencing overwhelming levels of PAIN...yet sufferers show the highest level of Courage, determination and the ability to overcome Incredible challenges! They also, due to having a personal experience, have a deep understanding into the suffering of Humanity! Most people I know who are chronically ill(including myself)have an Undying Spirit of Hope and often(despite having many reasons to feel to the contrary)conduct themselves  as if they are not sick...and often this Spirit pushes them to Excel and do even more than someone who has no physical affliction. Because simple things can be so hard and painful, there is an enormous capacity for Gratitude! There seems to be a greater appreciation of things, since what comes to those who are not sick so easily, is so challenging and has to be balanced with obligation, reponsibilities, and personal goals that lead to achievements! They often complain less and stress less over insignificant matters that often plague those who are not ill. Understanding that Life is Precious...and you never know what affliction may await you...but it is not the affliction that defines or confines you but rather strengthens you and brings out your COURAGEOUS side! So, the next time you see that person in the wheelchair or that elderly man walking with a cane or that 20something young man who has the mind of a child...Look upon them with Reverence and Respect and see not the wheelchair nor cane nor undeveloped mind but rather see their COURAGE, determination, hard work and defying the ODDS!

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Living in this last decade, with some dragging themselves around with this 'grotesque sense of entitilment', has been exhausting(to say the least)for many of us! Now I have to clarify, in the first part of my life(a.k.a. 21.5 years)I was anything but deprived and had access to luxuries perhaps not even afforded some of the rich(due to principal). So my whining about which fashion house outfit I had or had not for that weekend's dance, was exactly that, whining! I was never Superficial, on the contrary, I repelled many chances to be wealthy in life(even a millionairess)! Born of an immigrant family, who lost Everything to the Communists, but settled in the 'Land of Milk and Honey' and worked their way up to settle into a middle class Life! For some reason as an artist, writer, dancer and actress, I chose to idealize the philosophies of the Extremely talented but usually poor! And even though I loved the Quality of what money could buy(always being able to appreciate the difference)I frequently chose not to utilize my artistic talent to usher in 'Loads of Money', so as to afford myself all what I desired and had come accustomed to;I would, when it was a question of my work, rather Gift it! Perhaps I was holding myself back from oppurtunity and success, as I reflect back upon those years now, that realization is a distinct possability!  In any event, this article is not intended to disect the shortcomings of my youth, rather to shed Light on Gratitude. I always seemed to have a natural demeanour when it came to serving others and appreciate them serving you! I sincerely appreciated the service others gave to me, and as I said, had the oppurtunity to be oftened served upon. I never looked down upon people, in fact quite the opposite, servitude is a selfless act! I also always subscribed to the ideology that when a person did their job(and is often the case in our societies)many times it was not what they desired to do, but did it out of Love and to provide for their families. This is a mentality that immediately would garner my respect and I would always attempt to make their job easier, especially understanding that the work came from a place of deep devotion! I'm not kidding, I'm that person that will answer the phone during the busiest time, and take my time to answer the person's questions(interested or not)because I know that not only are they just trying to do their job, but that is the income that an entire family is dependent upon(can you imagine the complaints if they were unemployed)! So no matter how busy I am, and I always am, I can spare a few minutes of my precious time so that another human being can support their family! I recognize that it is not the road easier travelled but it is one thing that brings Peace and Harmony to one's Life by not being so self-absorbed! But the greatest pleasure of all is achieved through the Joy in the Eyes of the Receiver;there is no amount of money that can replace APPRECIATION! When you go to the supermarket and ring your items through the cash, do you take the time to greet your server? Do you ask how their day was? When you are driving in your car on the way to work, and someone who maybe missed the first alarm bell, and their spouse just announced they were leaving them and are running unavoidably late, needs to get in at the last moment, do you let them? When you passed through the heavy glass door on your way to the morning meeting at the last minute, did you hold it for the elderly lady riddled with arthritis that the door was about to slam on? When you walk through society, do you pay attention to the needs of others? Do you thank people when they make your life just a little bit easier, even if it is with the smallest of things! Can people never do enough for you? Or do you appreciate every little thing that people do? The intersting part is, that without question, being a person that walks with Gratitude in their Heart is a far cry happier than those who do not appreciate anyone in their lives! Their is a definite relationship between being Grateful and being Happy...and bringing Happiness through Kindness to Others is a Godly Act!


Saturday, December 12, 2009


"To have, or have not, that is the Judgement!" As a society we began to judge people soley on what they have, and not who they are! As if the expensive cars parked in the driveways of their expensive houses, filled with antiques and expensive furniture(all of which I can appreciate) would give us a clue about who they were? With all the latest technologies invented that either stagnate the human experience or eliminate the authentic socializing amongst people. Hiding behind material acquisition is the avoidance of exposing one's true soul to the world. If the person builds a facade made up of false character, which is determined by the material things one has,(rather than the genuine essence of their soul!)they have marked themselves 'Hidden' because of their resistance to the basic human need of sharing one's self with others, as you revel in their sharing themselves with you. The act of opening up to another human being, yes leaves the person vulnerable, but the healing potential in doing so is Astounding! It is only through the sincere revelation of one's pain and trauma to another that the weight of past hurts and failures can be lifted, and the person freed from the bondage of keeping up the facade to hide such past pain! The potential for neuroplastisity(the rewiring and changing of one's brain)we now know is nothing short of miraculous! Through cognitive excercises and constant positive perspective through counselling, our human brain can actually, physically change;allowing not only healing up but the ceasing of repetitive negative behaviour. Thus, such a seemingly simple solution, for a problem that plagued a person their entire lives! But it absolutely is true! A person can, lets say due to childhood abuse, live 40 or 50 years exhibiting repetetive destructive beaviour, that sabotages all their relationships;or worse, due to absolutely no self-esteem(the consequence of abuse for the victims),re-live the abuse in their tragically chosen partners! Through counselling with a professional who is very sensitive to the life-long affects of abuse on the victims future happiness and success, those repetitive behaviours(through reprogramming with positive enforcements)can be stopped and even more incredible, changed to behaviour which benefits the victim and the outcome of their lives. I personally believe that Our Loving God made a 'Emergency Lever' in our neurosytems, knowing how much trauma man would suffer and that such traumas impact and often destroy the lives of the victims, as well as all the collaterol damage of those around them! The Lever would be the mechanism that had the potential to completely bring about an opposite result, one that was a Positive! Reminds me of the expression made famous by the pop culture character, the infallible James Bond, "Never say never!", when it comes to the capacity to heal one's Soul and Mind, history has shown the miraculous over and over again! I have found that in the past decades, much of what had been produced, consumers have swallowed up with the hope of 'masking' something! From concealing a blemish, changing the colour of one's eyes, changing one's body parts, polluting the environment with monstrous gas guzzling tanks of metal, buying high-end price tagged items to suggest the false appearence of wealth;while their bank account balances slipped further into the negative! Judging people by what they have is nothing new(how many horses, how much land, how much gold?)however it  is the shallowness of the products by which we have come to be identified, assimilated! For example, a cell phone, how did we ever survive without being able to be reached 24-7? What kind of an impact has this supposed 'tool'  had on our modern societies? A few years ago I remember reading about a study( from London U.K.,I think?)that researched how people feel more important and more successful when they are walking around talking on their phones! That the cell phone had become a status symbol, and although I immediately recognized that what they discovered was truly the mentality of many in society, I found it absolutely absurb and deeply saddending that we've reached such a point! The men especially seemed to equate their apparent 'projection of success' directly with carrying this technological device;even finding themselves talking to nobody at times just to give the appearence of 'being in demand'. And No I do not own one, primarily because it causes neurological disturbances for me, causing severe migraines and cranial sweating). Next out of Priciple and Safety! The human brain grows until the time it reaches 25 years of age. So all these tweens and teenagers who have been exposed to the radiation a cell phone releases are threatened by potential cancer, tumours or just basic neurological disturbances that will affect their entire physical body, as well as their emotions. They withheld research which contains proof that the cell phones cause Brain Cancer etc., it is slated to be released next year 2010(most certainly would have killed that portion of the market had they released the research earlier). The bad manners(etiquette) that have evolved with the usage of the cell-phone, well that's painfully obvious and there's so much to say on the subject, it warrants another article entirely! The fact that using the cell phones/blackberries while driving is as dangerous as being drunk(and if you can imagine has the potential to be more so)is reason alone for a public outcry and change in behaviour. After that terrible train crash in the States this year, the conducter having admitted to texting just before the crash(the worst ever in the railway's history)their has been a shift in the urgency to get these devices off our roads and out of our transport vehicles. It seems that so much of what we have produced, especially that which is not out of necessity but rather desire, or want, has significantly complicated our lives(they always claim it will make it easier)and brought along with them problems we did not need to have. You could even compare it to the class system in India which still exists due to extreme poverty and extreme wealth in concentrated regions. Only for us North Americaners, we are divided into classes of real-estate, technology, stock port-folios, bonds, gold, jewels and bank accounts!  Seems much more like Societal Regression, not Progression! In closing, I commend all you Souls who openly and honestly reflect outwardly who you trully are inwardly! This daily Reveleation of your Soul that you share with others represents the 'Decency in Humanity' and the Power behind Change and Aid! The Centre of One's Soul is where forth Love and Compassion and Understanding flow! These are the Gifts of Virtues from God to Us to Reflect Him and to Affect Change on Purely Humanitarian Grounds! It is the Revelation of Souls that Heals Wounds of the Past...and it is Our God that works in these Earnest Souls of Man! It is being true to who you are, without any masking, a Beautiful Spirit who has Divine Power to Help others Heal so they mayLive in Peace and Joy within their own Heart and Mind! Once again, doing the Will of Our God and accomplishing His Work, till' His Return, to affect an Uprising of Souls, to return Paradise to Humanity! Next time you see your neighbour, look into their Soul, are they hurting and need a hug? Or are they worried and just need some encouragement? Are they unappreciated and noticing something they have accomplished will help them feel appreciated! Open your Soul to them, whether in support or revelation, just sharing will improve their mood. You may find how much life experience you have in common;Experience is the Glue that Bonds Humanity! It crosses all geographical, cultural or establishment Borders!

                           GODSPEED, ANGELOFLIGHT