Tuesday, December 29, 2009


After spending 2 DAYS Without Smoking...I Was Freakin', looking for some thing I could smoke. Wowez  Me,  All I could find was a Top o' the Line Cuban Cigar(my parents brought back from their bi-yearly trip to Cuba) from my freezer from a few Seasons Ago! Damn is that thing thick? As I wait from my local  neighbourhood convience store man(who has become a good friend and AID)...to personally deliver those wretched smokes to my house...it actually wasn't so bad going without smokes...till' I decided to drink instead of smoking while I'm writing(the Hemingway in me)and before  you know it,  the Martini's are going alongside of the cigars(All that's Left from Christmas!) ! I don't think that I ever exhausted the Ritual around a Cigar as I did tonight! I Always thought it was more of a Refined Experience...Truth be told it can be quite Raunchy...even for the regular smoker...and Now I'm on my 4th OLIVE(that which I usually Cook with or BLESS the House with!) Now that I Contemplate it...More People SHOULD have a Cigar and Martini...Just to STRAIGHTEN themselves out! I've gone through My Struggles of Using Alchohol To Solve My  Problems...IT WAS A MISTAKE(A SIN!)!  But Enjoying it once in a while...is Quite Sweet! If you're not predisposed to an addictive personality...you SHOULD GO AHEAD and ENJOY!  That's the kinda  Message I'm trying to SPREAD!  Once in a BLUE MOON(Which the Eve of December 31st 2009 into 2010 Was A VERY MYSTIC MOMENT IN TIME), or once in a while, it is O.K. to INDULGE!  Give yourself a little bit of what is Forbidden! As Long as It Does Not Damage Your SOUL! Let this be a LESSON- Moderation IS A GOOD CHOICE...we cannot Deprive Ourselves of Everything!...that ain't HEALTHY either!  But there is MUCH to be SAID of BALANCE...after 4 Decades I'm Still Learning this LESSON! Like the Jews that wandered in the Wilderness for 40 Years...they did not Need to be there that LONG!  So even though I've had to Learn Most Lessons the Hard Way...You Really are Never Too Old to take that short-cut to the Same Destination! O.K. My Cigar is OUT and my delivery Man is Still not Here...So I'm Going To LIGHT it Again and You Go Decide whether there's Any TRUTH to what I'm Saying...in the Simplest of Matters! 

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