Saturday, December 12, 2009
"To have, or have not, that is the Judgement!" As a society we began to judge people soley on what they have, and not who they are! As if the expensive cars parked in the driveways of their expensive houses, filled with antiques and expensive furniture(all of which I can appreciate) would give us a clue about who they were? With all the latest technologies invented that either stagnate the human experience or eliminate the authentic socializing amongst people. Hiding behind material acquisition is the avoidance of exposing one's true soul to the world. If the person builds a facade made up of false character, which is determined by the material things one has,(rather than the genuine essence of their soul!)they have marked themselves 'Hidden' because of their resistance to the basic human need of sharing one's self with others, as you revel in their sharing themselves with you. The act of opening up to another human being, yes leaves the person vulnerable, but the healing potential in doing so is Astounding! It is only through the sincere revelation of one's pain and trauma to another that the weight of past hurts and failures can be lifted, and the person freed from the bondage of keeping up the facade to hide such past pain! The potential for neuroplastisity(the rewiring and changing of one's brain)we now know is nothing short of miraculous! Through cognitive excercises and constant positive perspective through counselling, our human brain can actually, physically change;allowing not only healing up but the ceasing of repetitive negative behaviour. Thus, such a seemingly simple solution, for a problem that plagued a person their entire lives! But it absolutely is true! A person can, lets say due to childhood abuse, live 40 or 50 years exhibiting repetetive destructive beaviour, that sabotages all their relationships;or worse, due to absolutely no self-esteem(the consequence of abuse for the victims),re-live the abuse in their tragically chosen partners! Through counselling with a professional who is very sensitive to the life-long affects of abuse on the victims future happiness and success, those repetitive behaviours(through reprogramming with positive enforcements)can be stopped and even more incredible, changed to behaviour which benefits the victim and the outcome of their lives. I personally believe that Our Loving God made a 'Emergency Lever' in our neurosytems, knowing how much trauma man would suffer and that such traumas impact and often destroy the lives of the victims, as well as all the collaterol damage of those around them! The Lever would be the mechanism that had the potential to completely bring about an opposite result, one that was a Positive! Reminds me of the expression made famous by the pop culture character, the infallible James Bond, "Never say never!", when it comes to the capacity to heal one's Soul and Mind, history has shown the miraculous over and over again! I have found that in the past decades, much of what had been produced, consumers have swallowed up with the hope of 'masking' something! From concealing a blemish, changing the colour of one's eyes, changing one's body parts, polluting the environment with monstrous gas guzzling tanks of metal, buying high-end price tagged items to suggest the false appearence of wealth;while their bank account balances slipped further into the negative! Judging people by what they have is nothing new(how many horses, how much land, how much gold?)however it is the shallowness of the products by which we have come to be identified, assimilated! For example, a cell phone, how did we ever survive without being able to be reached 24-7? What kind of an impact has this supposed 'tool' had on our modern societies? A few years ago I remember reading about a study( from London U.K.,I think?)that researched how people feel more important and more successful when they are walking around talking on their phones! That the cell phone had become a status symbol, and although I immediately recognized that what they discovered was truly the mentality of many in society, I found it absolutely absurb and deeply saddending that we've reached such a point! The men especially seemed to equate their apparent 'projection of success' directly with carrying this technological device;even finding themselves talking to nobody at times just to give the appearence of 'being in demand'. And No I do not own one, primarily because it causes neurological disturbances for me, causing severe migraines and cranial sweating). Next out of Priciple and Safety! The human brain grows until the time it reaches 25 years of age. So all these tweens and teenagers who have been exposed to the radiation a cell phone releases are threatened by potential cancer, tumours or just basic neurological disturbances that will affect their entire physical body, as well as their emotions. They withheld research which contains proof that the cell phones cause Brain Cancer etc., it is slated to be released next year 2010(most certainly would have killed that portion of the market had they released the research earlier). The bad manners(etiquette) that have evolved with the usage of the cell-phone, well that's painfully obvious and there's so much to say on the subject, it warrants another article entirely! The fact that using the cell phones/blackberries while driving is as dangerous as being drunk(and if you can imagine has the potential to be more so)is reason alone for a public outcry and change in behaviour. After that terrible train crash in the States this year, the conducter having admitted to texting just before the crash(the worst ever in the railway's history)their has been a shift in the urgency to get these devices off our roads and out of our transport vehicles. It seems that so much of what we have produced, especially that which is not out of necessity but rather desire, or want, has significantly complicated our lives(they always claim it will make it easier)and brought along with them problems we did not need to have. You could even compare it to the class system in India which still exists due to extreme poverty and extreme wealth in concentrated regions. Only for us North Americaners, we are divided into classes of real-estate, technology, stock port-folios, bonds, gold, jewels and bank accounts! Seems much more like Societal Regression, not Progression! In closing, I commend all you Souls who openly and honestly reflect outwardly who you trully are inwardly! This daily Reveleation of your Soul that you share with others represents the 'Decency in Humanity' and the Power behind Change and Aid! The Centre of One's Soul is where forth Love and Compassion and Understanding flow! These are the Gifts of Virtues from God to Us to Reflect Him and to Affect Change on Purely Humanitarian Grounds! It is the Revelation of Souls that Heals Wounds of the Past...and it is Our God that works in these Earnest Souls of Man! It is being true to who you are, without any masking, a Beautiful Spirit who has Divine Power to Help others Heal so they mayLive in Peace and Joy within their own Heart and Mind! Once again, doing the Will of Our God and accomplishing His Work, till' His Return, to affect an Uprising of Souls, to return Paradise to Humanity! Next time you see your neighbour, look into their Soul, are they hurting and need a hug? Or are they worried and just need some encouragement? Are they unappreciated and noticing something they have accomplished will help them feel appreciated! Open your Soul to them, whether in support or revelation, just sharing will improve their mood. You may find how much life experience you have in common;Experience is the Glue that Bonds Humanity! It crosses all geographical, cultural or establishment Borders!
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