Wednesday, January 13, 2010


I have been Pondering ALOT lately the 'Pure Dream Potential' we have as CHILDREN and as we Grow, Age and Experience, We Come to Believe that DREAMS Really Don't Come TRUE! I would call this a Tragic Irony, in a Time when Any 'Idiot'( can make trunk loads of money)Society(that Sold us Everything Under the Sun, and then some)has CRUSHED the DREAM POTENTIAL of Generations! These Feelings of Negetavism and Defeatism are Passed on from Generation to Generation. They are Either the Fire that Fans the Flame of OVERCOMING or the Anger and Rage Forthcoming...A LIFE Destined for 'Extraordinary', or the Ordinary destined to Destroy the LIFE! 
 I can Still Remember that Feeling that Nothing was Impossible, I really Believed that! I Never Felt held back by Boarders nor Money nor TIME, it was a different time...there was a way around anything if you wanted it bad enough. Years Passed, I've Crossed No Geographical Boarders, and the passport that used to get stamped multiple times a year, has Expired(Back in 05', I didn't tell Anyone just how personally devasting that was and some sort of a cosmic Joke,  that I Who Travelled All the Time,  was never getting on that plane Again!) Now a'days, it seems there are So Many Obstacles to 'Experience Life' many Ideas, never Implemented because of these Obstacles...and they are Always the same...TIME, MONEY and TIME...I get that's where People get the idea that Money Would Solve All their Problems(and well that's Just Wrong Thinking too)and forget to Recognize that the Problems Can Only be Solved INTERNALLY! But Having Lived LIFE Somewhat till' this TIME, that the Abscence of It,  in this day and age,  Seems to Shape Experience(Or Lack there of)Wretchedly,  Robbing People of LIFE! Twisting their Attention to 'Overloading,  Insignificant Matters' that Steal the TIME from Under You, and Deter You from Your You Cling For Dear Life to the DREAMS YOU ARE NOT READY TO GIVE UP! Why does that Feeling and Sense of Being Able to Accomplish, you were so filled with as a CHILD, not Hold Water Anymore? Or does it?
Is there an Age Limit, an Expiry Date, on Our Dreams? I'm not talking about the delusional, you've got to have the RAW GOODS! But the Different Turns We Take, along the Way, that take Us Away from what 'Could'a and Should'a' Been! Just Because you took the wrong road, is there not another Crossroad, at which the Window of Oppurtunity Opens Up Again?  A MOMENT in TIME  when YOU Have a Chance for Your Dreams to Come TRUE Afterall...

Why Can't We BELIEVE in the DREAMS of Our YOUTH?
Too Many INJURIES and Failed Attempts?
Too Many OBSTACLES in the Way of Our Success...
Too Many People Filling Our Heads with DREAD
They Tell the TRUTH and they LIE
That TIME Passes and Our Dreams with it Fly...out the window
Unless We Have the COURAGE to Chase them down
Take a RISK Against ALL ODDS...
For A HAPPINESS that can nowhere else be FOUND...
Unless One Looses Oneself in the Material of it All!
I Look around me and I See Those who went after their DREAMS
And those who didn't...
I See the Difference Between Enjoying the Life
And Taking it All for Granted...
I Understand The Foolishness of "All Work and NO PLAY"
And I Have Really Begun to Understand that You Are NEVER Too Old To Chase Your DREAM...

Dare to DREAM...It's NEVER Too Late...No Matter What they say...
Godspeed... 1.13.10  Angeloflight + + +

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